the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

fresco as anarchy 2019

Before this perfectly anarchic (to be explained) fresco appeared at the dawn of the Renaissance, the fresco that I call the parent of perspective, giving birth to the modern world, all of culture (all over the world, one just got there first) moved to converge on it, a notion that is difficult for us, versed in dispersal, to fathom. But sacred cultures everywhere all face toward, and move toward a unity or oneness, the godliness of their gods.  (By my anomalous nature and nurture, I managed to catapult myself or get sucked back there to see how quite precisely it worked.) 
After the fresco appeared, as if godliness had somehow touched down to prove or disprove itself, depending on your perspective, some drew back to the back of cage, terrified, and others took off like a flock of birds, as they were now free to. Again this is hard for us to fathom, that it must have happened once and only once, in a specific place, but from back there, on the other side of the divide, where everything is converging, not dispersing, it would have had to be like that.

Alas, united we stand, divided we fall, as those clinging the cage have too much power to let go of those flying free, and vice versa. They share the same land, they must share the same laws. Yet at the crossing point, where godliness hovers, neither proven nor disproven, there is both freedom and some security. There is a spirit there, nothing concrete, nothing limiting, just a watchful spirit. Here, where nothing is now, everything might go, sucked in by the vacuum. You don't always get what you want, you get what you need. Here might be hope for reconciliation. Notice the fear of lasting peace. The fear of lasting peace is the greatest of all fears. The return of war is greatly welcomed. Even at the rhetoric stage, everybody dives right in like fish to water. Yet everybody hates war too. Maybe we've come to hate war even more than we fear peace.

In all the apocalyptic ages, never before has man sought to supersede God in the task of seemingly preparing to destroy the world by building visible weapons of mass destruction whilst aiding and abetting, if not fostering, dramatic geological and atmospheric convulsions. Yet this degree of darkness cannot appear without a like degree of light. It bears repeating. You don't always get what you want, you get what you need.

This place of lasting peace has never before been located.  This way of speaking and thinking has never before been done.   It is like learning to speak the language of dolphins.  For whoever lives indigenous futuristically (moving forward by going backward, which in fact is indigenous to all native humanity, as forging ahead ungrounded amounts to slipping back), it is a paradigm shift of Copernican proportions, the one proclaimed and initiated by Immanuel Kant, who restored and expanded on ancient and medieval insight that the world is a mirror of the mind. For Kant it was such a dramatic shift, but for most if not all others, I doubt it ever crystallized in a truly novel perception of what's going out there, as well as in our heads.
This project moves to crystallize the idea to give birth to the novel and empowering perception Kant (not that I'm a Kant scholar or needed Kant, but as he located a key node of the constellation before I did I am happy to credit him) conceived to remove yet another huge impediment to personal and collective consciousness -- however, alas, the gap between serious philosophers and the public is increasing as fast as the gap between rich and poor.  But the mindful must dredge this well before it's bull dozed over and worry later how to distribute it.  

In the meantime, I will try to make of this manuscript a beautiful object, even if people never want to read it.  Note that it's a work in progress, though, so presently in many locations all you see is the unadorned structure, which itself is beautiful because it's taut and ecological to fulfill a noble function other than the admiration and adorning of itself.  The work in progress also has the charm of a ruin.  It is really just a ruin seen from the other direction of time.  But to add to the effect, my work in progress is also covered in vines, and I didn't do that on purpose either.  Very mysterious.   Oh if only the virtual form could have the effect of holding a medieval manuscript in a protectively white gloved hand, as it might have been that effect doing research that triggered all of this.  As you're gazing at an original, however phantasmagoric, we're directly communing, so maybe it can. Now why is this serious subject presented in this often personal and playful way?  

Because the world is a mirror of my mind mirroring yours mirroring mine mirroring yours...  

Because when rational principles and elucidations appear in and move through earthly forms that smell, look, hear, see, feel, intuit their presence, they become real.  

Because the truth here unfolding points to the primacy of art over science.  

Because it is the nature of being to be both unbearably heavy and unbearably light.  Gold is a relatively terribly heavy metal, but when you get down to IT, it's all just a lot of unbearably light molecules consisting in yet more unbearably light atoms consisting in yet more unbearably light particles that get more more and more unbearably light the deeper you go by the heaviness of heavy you are, and why you bother to go there is a mystery, as it's all relative, meaning it's so absolutely unbearably light that it doesn't exist at all.  That's why I sing and paint and play along the way to everywhere, because I'm always going nowhere.  And yet I did and do want to get where I've decided to go. I did want to find the holy grail, and so I did, and now I want to find a way to distribute it, so we can get on with our lives and stop funding the disingenuous quests for it.  
Moreover, even if there's nothing there to speak of when you get there, all along the way there, you're sipping from it,  and by the time you arrive you're high as a starry snowy night riding horseback on the beach in Montauk.  What a beast is the truth! No wonder many fear and dread it, but kissing the beast is the only way up for those lucky ones who've let life run them flat to the ground and have let go of having to be the star of the show for the far far better prize of getting to gaze at her.