the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

imitation of life in all disciplines evolves by natural selection, and one day a double helix entwining the word and the world. And all the viral, toxic forms that invade it can only prune this genre of genres to its greater health, can never prevail against it. It is life's reflection, that which proves that life is alive. It is what Giotto paints, what the eye both can and cannot see. He possesses me and all artists. All artists as such are Giotto. But I speak in his careful, reasonable, problem-solving, quietly passionate voice. I think the way he thinks. I know this because I assembled the composition of his last painting autonomously, the one that concludes his researches by finding and offering a sip of the holy grail. Being peasant twins separated at birth, our tastes align perfectly, and I can write, just as he can draw, a perfect circle. We consider painting a form of writing and writing a form of painting; the distinction is a false one -- Plato and Aristotle walk hand in hand. It's only non-artspeak in forms or words that lies, implicit claiming the objects it defines are fixed and stable -- but abstraction overdoes it -- not that we don't overdo not overdoing it, but what could be preferred to the middle way? The illusion that you can feel or think in any satisfying way without objects manifesting history and memory, that mad frenzies shouldn't be limited to a few feast days instead of everybody having to drive harder harder faster and faster. Oof. C'mon, bring Pooh and let's sit on the stoop blowing bubbles. We're forever blowing object bubbles and letting them pop.

Just like two full grown sister elephants similarly separated at birth, when we found ourselves in the same zoo on opposite sides of a reinforced concrete wall, we could not wait until morning to be joined. We kicked down the wall, and now run side by side, inseparable. We are a space, a place, the body of the unutterable unknowable yet everywhere in art kerystallizing keryste, children of Ovid -- spirits known in many metamorphoses, and where we come from, where we go, and who we are nobody knows. We are shamelessly un-ironically faithful but not blindly. We are mystics, not literalists. We pledge allegiance to the invisible by which the visible obeys our commands, which we limit to what already is, because we love what is. It is the best of all possible worlds, or that is surely the best attitude to take toward its taming, and we are very practical people. Wherever we are, scorned or celebrated, we give constant rebirth to a golden age, a practical age. All lost artists, all artists who have betrayed the cause for a winning career, can renew their vows and relight their flames at our altar. Ha ha ha -- we know very well that all this melodrama is laughable...quick Giotto, withdraw these tropes, we've arrived at the next plateau!

all this not the thing itself, but a correction where there's been too much of a swing in this or that direction...illumination lies where the pendulum rests in the middle, not that I hit that..but this tool kit I offer has unprecedented capacity towarddddd slowing down, a global coolant that could rile you up at first as it counters the inertia that's presently speeding and heating things up in the other direction...don't wear flammable clothes, as sparks could fly off the wheels trying screech to a halt before we fly over the edge

here find scraps of a bona fide map and a properly lit way to paradise on earth. The map is not the land itself, oh pioneer. Good luck. There are snares, stumbling blocks, highly vulnerable tropes -- specifically -- Christian metaphors, signs, symbols, and art (not to be confused with Christian religion, except to point to or away from it as you perceive at any given moment -- as these symbols for EVERYBODY are carefully forged to be a VISIBLE PHYSICAL bridge as much as a bridge is a plank set across a stream. If you stand on the bridge you ARE neither here nor there. You are nobody nowhere, like Emily Dickenson. 
It can be lonely, but you are free, just another word for nothing left to do but try to love it, a full time job, because you surely do not want to lose it. That water however boring you sorely miss when your well runs dry. You can'targue with visible form conforming to the definition of a thing, but you can spend your whole life crying out that you are missing something that you are already standing on, all options still open, you choose, you do not analyze the data, you simply choose. Stick around, you'll see what I mean. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down...needing constant attention, dirt under your fingernails, not just, or even, the literal kind, maybe you have to make a deal in a backroom to save a life that is not your own...there are limits; certain ideals can't be compromised, but all prejudices and baggage not belonging to the ideal but long associated with it...these must go...we have a long climb, bring only necessities...of course that includes your teddy bear and the rose hips and the rose oil so I can anoint your head and massage your feet...


kerystianity represents the supra-mundane if not supernatural rose that blooms on the thorny stem of reason and remains rooted in material evidence.

The rose is a paradox both physical and ethereal, both fleeting and surreal...

Science is hellbent on resolving contradictions and paradox, but life is a contradiction and a paradox. The words cannot match the things perfectly, for then they would not be words. In forming a bridge, they serve as a wedge. All experience is made of language being love...which draws us to the object, but preserves it though it can penetrate it and engender morphs. All these metaphors perfectly apply, and yet they don't... the more you know, the more mysterious and unknowable...we turn to science, but science too will never know just what we're dealing with...there is a time for surrender, for reverence of IT, whatever name you call it, where reverence does not mean strike me dumbstruck -- that's a sham awesome like everything else -- it means attention to it, a science of IT, a science of non-science... which means a love of it more than a fear of best tame lions by love not fear...though step by step, slowly and wisely you let go of fear, and know the difference between a bear and lion...if someone claims to be a lion tamer, a guide, a cipher, a sibyl, you watch, you judge for yourself...

whether you're a so-called atheist or a believer or an agnostic or anything, kerystianity is a thing everybody is told a thousand million times a day nobody wants or needs.

it is what slips between the cracks of everything, all that gold recovered -- terrifying! dangerous! impossible! or completely innocuous and a waste of time? take a chance on it? rock the boat a little? mmmm no better let sleeping dogs lie. okay, good-bye. you know where to find me.

kerystianity is a dramatic awakening sympathetic to the underlying principles in all the world's great ethical systems and is not affiliated with any of them. My private practice and beliefs, if any, are irrelevant.

you say you want a revolution, well you better free your mind instead...because the very words you use and the way you use them are THE ONE AND ONLY THING that is perpetuating the very thing you want to overthrow...

RATIONAL thought demands abject subjection to it or none at all...short of abject subjection, all claims and appearance of rationality become a ruse to uphold hidden agenda.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RATIONAL THOUGHT -- maintaining the cane (stem) of the rose, pruning the dead wood, raking the weeds, watching for mold and hostile insects.

I promise you rose gardening with plenty of thorns, without which you never see or know the rose...


YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING IT CLEAN, SO ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES -- MY FAVORITE JOB -- CLEANING THE LANGUAGE LATRINES... warning, this high lacanic Lacanic colonic can be agony, but then oh the ecstasy!




Rationally speaking, as affirmed by empirically verified relativity, we inhabit a subjective, or non-objective world, known in relations of one thing to another. THE objective world is a construction.

all the different worlds are in communion to produce what we call being...being is happening by certain common principles such as the structure of all language. Elliptical language and parables also speak across worlds by not demanding to fix objective forms, but only establish universal principles..

my thinking feeling being the source of all these reflections and your reading them being impossible to extricate from this representation, but our difference being limited to that..-- ALL THIS IS FULL OF HOLES, how about playing along? with a thing that professes to be nothing more than a thing that rides on your playing along is all I am saying, it's as holey as WHOLE FOOD BREAD, except it is not a capitalistic enterprise...YET...for it would be against principles here to play holeyer than thou, and if I could sell a few of these books, I might just squander the profits on something totally useless, oh and feel free to place a bust of me in your hallowed halls, bust or bust! -- we have no call, rationally, further to objectify ourselves. I am pretty sure I am writing what you told me to write. I do not feel I am other than a backboard by which you can work on your strokes. Of course I could be carrying hidden agenda, but my method is transparent to itself. To complicate the argument into a gigantic tome fostering the illusion I can rationalize away all disinterest only reveals to the next tome writer how very flawed that idea -- but THIS time he will get it right. How crazy is that? Yet not to try at all seems equally suspicious. Let's try the middle way -- philosophy light might be just right. burp. nice.

It is not rational to assume that one line of thought can align words with the sensory world woven of many crossing threads. Unitary lines of logic are bound to fail.

THE MONGREL DISCOURSE IS, AS A WHOLE, SEEMINGLY ANARCHICALLY ORDERED, LOOSELY LINEAR THREADS ENTER IN FROM DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS AND WEAVE TOGETHER, YOU DON'T HOLD THE THREADS TOO FIRMLY, SOMETIMES YOU BACK UP AND THERE ARE GLIMPSES OR INTUITIONS OF THE WHOLE -- BECAUSE IT IS AN IMAGE OF THE WORLD GRADUALLY COMING INTO FOCUS, NOT A THEORY ABOUT THE WORLD. The image, however, is pretty well ordered, at least enough to be legible. It is not a chaotic splat. It privileges and protects the dream of being and all its parts, respects the permeable boundaries of sentient bodies and atomic and molecularly structured entities appearing in clocked time and space, such as stones and clouds, from which they evolve without definite rupture. It is sympathetic to Howard Bloom's notion of creative universe that moves as much, if not more, toward order, as it does toward chaos, reconstituting itself after every collapse. It moves with and reflects what moves toward life. Though seemingly anarchic in the non-linearity of its overall order, the mongrel discourse does not take a stand on politics.

though irrevocable pulp publishing has so far given her a terrible heartache, the sheer veil has tried it a few times. Here are three blinding, late Turnerian reviews in the Brooklyn Rail...