the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

footnote: more on appropriate cultural appropriation

...and am only gay and queer in the original meaning of these terms. Meanwhile most of the homosexuals I know aren't necessarily particularly cheerful, nor does anything seem very odd about them. Connotations seem irrelevant, but operate like subliminal messages you never see on tv, but make you buy a product you really don't want. Confucius says -- to rectify the names to fit the things is, along with openness of heart, a necessity for the maintenance of a peaceful, happy state -- which nobody seems to want enough to sacrifice even the misuse of words to achieve; but you don't always get what you want, you get what you need. Baby steps for babies though. Far be it from me to interfere with anyone's need to assert an identity, protect it from appropriation, and hoard a little power after being so long deprived of it. You must love yourself (a perilous charge, many on the way drown in their own self-reflections before they get a chance to give their love to another, but stay vigilant, and I trust you'll get through it.) before you can love another. So there's no need to linger here if you're my contemporary. I speak to the future, not to you. I am the voice of history, siphoning out any special interests and erasing the traces of privilege gained by otherness or sameness; I am the voice of the One. I am the living mind you fail to describe in the deadly way you read your own dead language into my words, which mean something else.  The letters of my name are written under the lids of the newborn child.  I'm Robin Hood, who steals from the Rich, to give to the poor in spirit who shall inherit the earth.