the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

give us that great male tradition, we co-created it behind the scenes

the patriarchs

isn't it a bit suspicious that just when men began awakening to the fact that, by the march of knowledge set in motion by the project of enlightenment (notice the small e, as I do not acknowledge the exclusive claim of the age that bears that name), they'd soon have to come clean and credit their collaborators and basically relinquish all the special rights and privileges afforded by the cover up, 

they began -- as if claiming those special rights and privileges had been the whole point and/or as if unable to control the stoked engine of a sub-conscious two year old temper tantrum driving this diabolically deliberate plan  -- 

whilst comfortably funded by liberal arts departments of course,

systematically to degrade and deconstruct the liberal arts tradition, scorning and poking holes in all the optimistically constructive (yet grounded in stoic pessimism), daringly imaginative (yet rooted in sublime surrender), positive (yet revealed by the rigorous negation that culminates in the negation of negation) projects it implies, 

with the humanities regressing into legalistic social (pseudo-) sciences,  

even as elsewhere they profess cognizance that such "precision" can only affirm the prevailing ideology that determines the meanings of each otherwise poetically layered word,

but as Hitler advises -- make no small nonsense, it has no power to move the hearts of man,  

and by now the liberal arts are fully suffused with the obfuscating nitpicking practice of unnamed, second hand deconstruction (the grotesque original shows some signs of deconstructing itself; it's been discredited before it can go so far as that),

where outside of moralistic political positioning, to posit a thing about things as a whole without soaking it to the bone with irony, or so armor and layer it with contradictions and caveats that the instant it mounts its donkey, the as much as self-proclaimed Don Quixote is flat on its back 

is close to taboo among the liberal intelligentsia*.  Maybe as we let them sign it, patent, and copyright it, it's theirs to do what they wish with, but is that generous?  

Or, since they can only destroy it for themselves as well, is that not insanely parsimonious? Okay, maybe that's overstating the case.  Who wouldn't react somewhat strenuously to the call to share the limelight if she'd basked in it for millennia?  Now let's pick ourselves up and try again.  And please stop blaming Them. You are responsible for your own tools and toys, and They have nothing to do with it.  

*while conservatives with a positive program are sure to feature the "radical difference" of women, as if "soft" sciences statistically presently preferred by women to the "hard" ones such as engineering statistically presently preferred by men, 

or the fact that idiots and savants who can learn twenty five languages in a week while memorizing the Encyclopedia Brittanica over-represented by men at the extreme ends of the IQ spectrum, reflect any radical difference in the high humanistic fields of philosophy, art, and creative versus merely calculating science, requiring both emotional sensitivity and mechanical aptitude and as much dumbness as intelligence. 

Materialism is not literalism.  Absorb that and I think you might have to fire every thinker in the limelight left of the center line.  Then get rid of those who know it and abuse it.  When the music last stopped, there weren't too many chairs left, but I slid right into this one.  Sigh, here comes the music, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay. I feel this is my lucky day.