the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

Monday, April 22, 2019

for those who follow the internet philosophical debates

teaching isn't teaching if it doesn't hurt (zen master)

Anonymous: I watched Jordan Peterson's intro during breakfast. Probably will end up watching the whole thing at some point today. For now my only reaction is thinking about how the insularity of the discourses that I've been immersed in since I started grad school in 2008 is really seriously bad pedagogy. If I had been presented with conversations WITH Marxist thought rather than just WITHIN Marxist thought I would be much smarter now. I think maybe it just boils down to the unfriendliness between the Arts and Sciences. Or it's just my fault for not taking courses in many different departments. Though of course universities drill into us these days that we must spend all our time honing a marketable specialization.

md: it was a big! life threatening awakening to find that what your Mentor calls "critical theory" and charges an arm and a leg for is just somebody's particular take on the world protected from all Criticism. -- and we're supposed to all be nice and sanguine about this. no wonder the poor guy's gut is so messed up, he can't digest anything but meat and then he starts sounding rabid. but this is Easter! Happy Easter. Peace on earth good will toward ALL!

md: well to prepare for the rest of it -- imho🤓🙂🤓 -- here's the illuminated version of that take on zizek I posted a while back.

md: re my crass and so much as slapped attempt at self-promotion, well, that’s just the mole that makes Marilyn Monroe movie star material. If only the producers and directors had the guts and genius of the good old days.

md: JP 🙏🏼teaches such self-reliance as would question his teachings in order to obey them. Pretty nice. That hammer is useful for demolition and deconstruction or construction. Nobody will plumb the vortex of that paradox and join the construction crew though. Where are the votes in that? Where’s the pay off for the Me in that painstaking process? Gone are the days when the royalty nobles commoners dragged the stones in wheelbarrows and built the cathedral with their bare hands together. So much more fun to watch it go up in flames or fetishize its image. 

I’m sorry, I’m beyond the amusements of foreplay. I haven’t yet assimilated the relieving resurrection and ascension to radical (!) levity, and am still in the throes of the groaning anguished ecstatic (see st matthews or johns passion according to bach, say) passion; and I have the staying power to keep at it until we both have a potentially radically (!) generative orgasm. All reading of my posts is by mutual consent. Minors are relatively safe as everywhere else their minds are constantly raped as they’re drugged insensible.

(cruel to be kind: my text as a diaphanously veiled amorously sadomasochistic sexual/architectural apprenticeship)