the missing thing that is completely different from everything else, but everything has a stake in it.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Footnote to soupe de guerre

(ahead of science, high resolution philosophy is finding traces and tracks of the original particle, as all disciplines -- it appears in a literary caprice or a chain of logical assertions or an image say -- converge, their metaphors overlapping.  It's somewhat technical, but the layman should be able to follow it.  As the ground starts to shift, you become aware of how much you depend on believing that science, apart, has everything under control, as growing aware this is not the case, your senses and extra-senses begin dramatically to awaken to bind you as never before to humanity and heighten your consciousness of the nature of language and everything.)

*The difference between our nicenesses might be minimal, but the devil's in the details, or God is, but in any case the whole world turns on difference so minimal you can only feel it and reason that it's there, but no accelerator has managed yet to isolate the original particle of which all particles are made and in which the genetic code of being is, as it were, inscribed. 

Yet science must proceed on what feeling and intuition, driving their inquiry, and reason, corroborating or debunking it, agree is the case, where even scientists need poetic license at the outset. 

And cultural critics are proto-scientists as their results are not so verifiable. They converge on those of science at the limits of its own capacity for verification, 

just as reason begins defying itself, 

the critical nature of this critical, liminal work seeming more supercilious and downright insane, the more serious it gets, 

the classification committee leaping and flopping all over the place trying to trap the mouse under the carpet. 

In this critically critical, therefore doubling as maximally supercilious case, the mouse under the rug can make itself as flat as it is, as the bump disappears, 

and then suddenly pops up in an entirely different quadrant, and by the time you're looking there, it's already back to home sweet home between the built in stove and the built in counter.

That's at least how it is here, because that's how it should be, however the field of critical theory has widely regressed, having abandoned service to the ongoing quest for the original particle, 

with the remnant allied to the pure scientists believing that they're advancing on a straight line as if the multiverse were flat, they will arrive at the end, and then there will be nothing. 

No matter, as we open-minded, constantly evolving scientists and proto-scientists circle round and round, we always find new kinds of valuable booty, 

as we constantly see new things in new ways so astonishing that we are as much as constantly reborn, as wide eyed with wonder as children, constantly expanding in experience and knowledge -- 

hence the resilient illusion that we've never been there (for instance, here) before, however I'd almost bet my darling mini-labradoodle, that's how almost a hundred percent positively sure I am that we're just going round and round in circles and will never arrive at the vanishing point, just as the journey's yields remain inexhaustible. 

Meanwhile, deaf altogether to the call up the mountain, the mainstream Neo-neo-neo etc.-platonists and Neo-neo-neo etc. Aristotelians refine their pingpong game on the public dole, 

with the red etherealist and blue materialist states mirroring their metaphysical mentors (the etherealists for some time now mainly underground in the academy, but highly internet active), but compelled to sting harder than pingpong allows, ready indeed to blow up the whole planet to keep the other from winning,

their nuclear reactive programs metamorphosing at an accelerating rate thanks to technological advances made possible by the discovery of the relativity of everything but relativity itself.  Quick, follow me into the rabbit hole of that glitch and close the sewer cap behind you!  Don't worry, the sewer was redirected during the industrial revolution.